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Are you looking for ongoing help, or just have a few questions?

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  • Includes ongoing financial planning combined with investment management.

  • One annual fixed fee based on the complexity of your financial life.

  • First year focus areas (covered in 4-5 meetings):

    1. Getting to know you, your goals, values and current financial situation.​

    2. Developing a plan together that is right for you, including a prioritized implementation plan.

  • Second year and beyond:​

    • Ongoing monitoring and adjustments as life unfolds.​

    • Two regular meetings per year, and as needed.


  • One-time fixed fee based on hours.

  • Your role:

    • Determine your top three financial planning questions.

    • Provide the requested financial documents.​

  • Our role:​

    • Review your financial documents and prepare for our meeting.​

    • Host a 75 minute meeting focusing on your top three financial planning questions.

    • Deliver a list of recommendations within one week of the meeting.

    • Host a 20-30 minute meeting 3-4 weeks later to answer any implementation questions and discuss next steps, if any are required.

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